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We are currently taking donations to give back to the local musician and singers in Oklahoma. The closing of concert venues, bars, and restaurants have affected the livelihood of bar staff, wait staff, musicians and venue owners. With no music available we decided to bring a little hope and joy by having a virtual concert on Facebook live March 26th from 8:00 pm till 10:00 pm.  Please join us in supporting our local Oklahoma artists during these hard times by donating in our virtual tip jar. Thank you and God bless.

The Freedom Girls Foundation is a 501c-3 nonprofit.


Mission Statement:

The Freedom Girls Foundation support communities throughout the United States in activites that further engage individuals in Patriotic events or events that further the betterment of the lives of individuals living in the United States.


Objectives and Activites:

1. To provide support to individuals or groups that is attenpting to better the lives of citizens of the United States.

2. To encourage Patroitism.

3. to support awareness to causes that effect veterans of the United States armed forces and citizens of the United States.

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